India’s one of the biggest online shopping portal, Snapdeal has equipped himself with multilingual feature. Now the website is available in 12 regional languages. With this addition, company is expecting increase its users. Starting from today, users can use Snapdeal mobile app in Hindi and Telugu. However, from 26th January, 2016 the website can be operated in English and 11 other regional languages including Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Assamese and Punjabi.
“Snapdeal’s multilingual user interface has been developed on the basis of the feedback it received from both its buyers and sellers. A significant percentage of the user base opts for Hindi and other regional languages to speak to their customer care representatives. With this multilingual platform, these customers can now shop in their native language. The platform allows users to pick the language of their choice for browsing, for payments and for order tracking,” Company stated in the statement.Snapdeal is an online marketplace, New Delhi, India. The company was started by Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal. Snapdeal was started on 4 February 2010 as a daily deals platform but expanded in September 2011 to become an online marketplace. Snapdeal has grown to become one of the largest online marketplace in India offering an assortment of 10 million products across diverse categories from over 100,000 sellers, shipping to 5,000+ towns and cities in India.
Tags : Snapdeal, Rohit Bansal, 12 languages multilingual, Flipkart
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