In keeping up our top-40 series, we present 40 Ideas for Incorporating Self-Care into Your Life :
#1. Work with professionals, e.g., personal trainers, nutritionists or therapists who support Health at Every Size
#2. Plan a comedy night, with the internet or at a club
#3. Drink your coffee with your whole attention
#4. Say 3 affirmations before you walk into a tough meeting
#5. Create a grab bag of healthy snacks for your car
#6. Experiment with eating 3 foods in different ways: Cut the hamburger in quarters, eat the ice cream sitting on the fit ball, put the spoon down between bites
#7. Go to bed earlier
Must Read : 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep
#8. Put your feet in a bath of Epsom salt as you watch your favorite TV show
#9. Reconnect with an old friend
#10. Engage an old passion, like painting, playing piano or dancing
#11. Find ways to incorporate fish into your diet more often
#12. Hire a housekeeper
#13. Walk during your lunch
#14. Eat predictably and regularly
#15. Practice deep breathing
#16. Take a long, hot bath or shower before bed
#17. Go somewhere beautiful outdoors, sit in the sunshine and get your Vitamin D
#18. Listen to soothing music instead of having the TV on
#19. Pet or walk an animal (good for you and them)
#20. Practice gentle stretching to release tight muscles
#21. Write a gratitude list
#22. Paint your nails or get a manicure
#23. Try batch cooking some of your go-to foods so you have them on hand
#24. Buy clothes that fit your body well today
#25. Have a plan ready for hard days where you may want to emotionally overeat
#26. Schedule one silent, mindful meal at home each week
#27. Do a crossword puzzle or play Sudoku (brain health!)
#28. Cut veggies up and have them in the fridge so you have easy and quick access
#29. Write a bucket list
#30. Plan your next vacation
Must Read : 20 Things To Do Before Traveling Abroad
#31. Explore closure habits for meals, e.g., keep tea bags or mints in your purse
#32. Download and listen to a podcast for your commute
#33. Have conversations with your loved ones about how they can best support you
#34. Spend time with the energy makers in your life and less time with the energy takers
#35. Find a fulfilling breakfast that makes you feel great
#36. Reach out and hug someone (you get a hug back!)
Must Read : 7 Facts You Don’t Know About Hugging
#37. Practice lifting your heart instead of “standing up straight”
#38. Celebrate your small successes!
#39. Schedule your annual doctor’s appointments – dentist, gyno, etc.
#40. Pick three of these ideas and see if they make a difference, then add more
40 Simple Ideas for Incorporating Self-Care into Your Life
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