Deepwater Horizon is a 2016 American biographical disaster thriller film directed by Peter Berg, written by Matthew Sand and Matthew Michael Carnahan and starring Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, Gina Rodriguez, Dylan O’Brien and Kate Hudson. It is based on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Movie Details :
- Directed by : Peter Berg
- Produced by : Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Mark Wahlberg, Stephen Levinson, David Womark
- Screenplay by : Matthew Michael Carnahan, Matthew Sand
- Story by : Matthew Sand
- Based on : Deepwater Horizon’s Final Hours by David Barstow, David Rohde, Stephanie Saul
- Starring : Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, Gina Rodriguez, Dylan O’Brien, Kate Hudson
- Music by : Steve Jablonsky
- Cinematography : Enrique Chediak
- Edited by : Colby Parker Jr., Gabriel Fleming
- Production companies : Participant Media, Di Bonaventura Pictures, Closest to the Hole Productions, Leverage Entertainment
- Distributed by : Summit Entertainment
Plot :
On April 20th, 2010, the world’s largest man-made disaster occurred on the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. This film honors the brave men and women whose heroism would save many on board, and change everyone’s lives forever.
Deepwater Horizon Movie Trailer :
Deepwater Horizon Movie Review :
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By The A.V. Club
As entertainment, it works in the most rote way: the star power of Wahlberg, Russell, and Kate Hudson, who plays Mike’s worried wife; Malkovich’s predictable sliminess; the minor pleasure of seeing the good guys get out; the slight kick of watching something big crumble and burn while knowing that it’s only a special effect, real-world basis be damned.
Full Review
Rating : 3/5
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By
As is often the case with Berg’s films, it’s technically accomplished, but it’s lacking the depth of a project that comes from a creative spark. Everything here feels routine—more like an inevitability than a work of art or even a piece of entertainment.
Full Review
Rating : 2/5
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By TheWrap
It’s a thrilling film with impressive set pieces, solid acting and a pulse-pounding climax. Movie-wise, mission mostly accomplished. But to experience Deepwater Horizon and ignore the external circumstances surrounding its creation is a difficult task.
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Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By
Deepwater Horizon is a Hollywood disaster movie. It offers up incredible explosions, stories of heartbreak and heroism, visceral thrills, and paper-thin characters. It is a movie that flinches from explanation, but not from brutality. Beyond the visuals, the charisma of the cast also does a whole lot to overcome this shortfall and once the well goes downhill, the movie turns into an epic thrill ride. Even so, the lack of a more thoughtful examination of the characters, the causes of the problem with the well, and the aftermath is distressing.
Full Review
Rating : 7.3/10
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By The Guardian
When all hell breaks loose, Berg stages the action horribly well, capturing the panic and gruesome mayhem without the film ever feeling exploitative. It’s spectacularly constructed, yet it doesn’t forget about the loss of life, ensuring that, despite thin characterisation, the impact is felt.
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Rating : 4/5
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By New York Daily News
It’s an impressive achievement, and even Berg’s taste for the obvious — like shots of Old Glory, still waving through the worst of it — can’t overwhelm the humanity behind the drama. Real people, real danger — and real self-sacrifice.
Full Review
Rating : 4/5
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review By Variety
For a movie in which you can’t follow what’s going on for 75% of the time, Deepwater Horizon proves remarkably thrilling.
Full Review
Deepwater Horizon (2016) Hollywood Movie Review
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