Akira is an Indian action drama film co written, produced and directed by AR Murugadoss. It is the remake of Tamil film Mouna Guru (2011) and features Sonakshi Sinha in lead role. Sonakshi Sinha while shooting got injured in an action scene for the movie on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
Movie Details :
- Directed by : AR Murugadoss
- Produced by : AR Murugadoss, Fox Star Studios
- Written by : Karan Singh Rathore
- Screenplay by : AR Murugadoss, Santha Kumar
- Story by : Santha Kumar
- Based on : Mouna Guru By Santha Kumar
- Starring : Sonakshi Sinha, Konkona Sen Sharma, Anurag Kashyap
- Music by Songs : Vishal–Shekhar
- Background Score :John Stewart Eduri
- Cinematography : R. D. Rajasekhar
- Edited by : A. Sreekar Prasad
- Production company : A.R.Murugadoss Productions
- Distributed by : Fox Star Studios.
Akira Movie Review :
Akira (2016) Movie Review By Masala
Don’t get me wrong. The film was gripping in the first half. There is nothing sexier than a woman kicking some serious butts, but it slips into Singham mode way too easily and way too quickly. You applaud the fight sequences for the first time, cheer for her the second time, get bored soon and feel like kuch bhi dot com towards the end of it.
Full Review
Rating : 2/5
Akira (2016) Movie Review By Gulfnews
This thriller is a good example of actors doing their job, instead of letting stars and their familiar routines dominate. Despite a few hitches and ridiculous twists, Akira makes for an engaging watch. Some may also have an issue with the way the film tackles mental health, but if you see the big picture the viewers aren’t scarred by the film. Both Sinha and Kashyap keep the film’s momentum going with their arresting screen presence.
Full Review
Rating : 3.5/5
Akira (2016) Movie Review By Just Bollywood
Akira is a film with decent story but without much of rings and whistles. Though the film may lag behind in terms of having a strong script with other entertainment elements, it is interesting to see Sonakshi Sinha in an action role. Her decent performance can give some amount of boost to the film and you never know it can be an image makeover thing for her in B Town.
Full Review
Rating : 2.5/5
Trailer :
Akira (2016) Movie Review
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