Here is the list of 14 Pokemon that actually exist in real life.
We all love Pokémon. Come on, just admit it! Whether you’ve been with the franchise since good ole Red & Blue or became addicted after watching the anime and collecting the cards, everyone at some point has had a touch of the Poké plague, and become a victim of the fever that it causes.
One week after the release of Pokémon Go, I think it’s safe to say we’re all living in a Pokémon world. Everyone’s walking around town trying to complete their Pokedex now, from your littlest cousin to your great-grandma, and the incredibly unity this game has brought to Pokémon lovers everywhere has been refreshing!
1. Poliwag is based on translucent tadpoles
Photo Credit: National Geographic
Sure you know Poliwags are meant to be tadpoles. But the weird thing about Poliwag is a certain design choice that most wouldn’t think has any significance. The swirl on Poliwag’s (as well as Poliwhirl and Poliwrath’s) stomach isn’t just an aesthetic design – it’s based on some species of translucent tadpoles’ visible, swirled intestines.
2. Gorebyss is the long-nosed chimaera
Photo Credit: Fishtec
Gorebyss very closely resembles the long-nosed chimaera – particularly in the face: they both share the innocent, cutesy eyes and the long snout. Except, of course, Gorebyss looks pretty ridiculously cute and has Ariel-esque shells permanently attached to it, and the long-nosed chimaera is a creature from your nightmares made real.
3. Caterpie is based on the Eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar
Photo Credit: PernixNexus
Sure, Caterpies are based on caterpillars – but the specific design of Caterpie (including its weird attenae things) ARE based on a specific kind of caterpillar. Even more weirdly – that thing you thought was Caterpie’s eye? NOPE. Just a marking on the caterpillar. Are Caterpies totally blind? Not saying definitively, but mine has missed A LOT of String Shots.
4. Luvdisc is based on the kissing gourami
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
Luvdisc instantly looksl ike such a silly fish – its pink coloration, heart-shape, and…does it actually have lips?! Why would a fish have lips? For kissing or someth…oh. The kissing gourami even ACTUALLY kiss (sorta) – they lock “lips” to spar with one another.
5. Mudkip is based on the axolotl
Photo Credit: National Geographic
Mudkip seems like a weird animal – one too many fins, goofy eyes, and things just sprouting out of its cheeks for no reason? That’s because it’s based on the axolotl – or possibly a mudpuppy, but let’s stick with axolotl, since it’s a way cooler word.
6. Magikarp looks just like the yellow rockfish
Photo Credit: Getty Images
7. Krookodile is a gharial
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
The most iconic part of Krookodile is his long, thin snout that looks completely exaggerated from what most crocodile snouts actually look like. Except it’s based off of the gharial, and it actually plays DOWN the ridiculous snout a bit, if anything.
8. Vileplume is a Rafflesia arnoldii
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The huge, ridiculous magenta, spotted petals of Vileplume are actually real – they’re virtually identical to those of Rafflesia arnoldii – even the central pit looks the same. It should also be noted that Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest flower on Earth. Basically, Vileplume SHOULD be a legendary.
9. Chatots are pretty much yellow collared lovebirds
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
The colorful Chatot looks virtually identical to the yellow-collared lovebird (minus the musical note-shaped head). The white coloring around their eyes even gives the appearance of the sclera (white of the eye) on Chatot!
10. Victreebel is a pitcher plant
Photo Credit: WillGoTo
Victreebel – a genuinely terrifying Pokemon – is based on pitcher plants, a VERY genuinely terrifying real life thing. When you Google image search “pitcher plant”, the first suggested addition is “eating a mouse.” The leaf over the Victreebel’s mouth even matches up with those of pitcher plants – sadly, pitcher plants don’t actually have fangs, because not even Mother Nature is that sadistic.
11. Sandslash is a pangolin
Photo Credit: mongabay
It’s got the claws, it’s got the scales – it even has the eyes! Yep, pangolins are the Sandslashes of reality.
12. Drowzee is a Malayan tapirPhoto Credit: pikdit
The dream-devouring Drowzee is basically the Malayan tapir (except with a few more psychic abilities). The same elephant-esque nose, the same ears, and the same hooves. Let’s just hope it doesn’t start hypnotizing people when it grows up.
13. Shellos is based on Chromodoris lochi
Photo Credit: 4allll
The mysteriously shell-less Shellos is pretty obviously inspired by sea slugs – the wavy body, the shape of the antennae, and even those things on its back – but, more specifically, the Chromodoris lochi.
14. Stunfisk is a stargazer
Photo Credit: National Geographic
The horrified upward-facing eyes say it all. Yep. That’s a Stunfisk all right.
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14 Pokemon That Actually Exist In Real Life
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