We all have body parts that are absolutely necessary such as the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, stomach, etc., but we also have body parts that are pretty much useless. Have you ever imagined that you could be living with “unnecessary” body parts? Might sound interesting or weird, but it is quite true that some of the organs that we have are of no use. This list showcases the top 10 organs that humans don’t need. Here is a list of the top 10 body parts that are completely useless.
1. Male Nipples
Why do men have nipples anyway? All human fetuses develop nipples even before our gender is determined. While it is rare, men are capable of lactating.
2. Appendix
Man has come a long way. While the appendix is found between the small intestine and large intestine. From ages past, the appendix was a very useful organ, especially for our digestion. However, after man discovered fire and learned to cook, of what use is an appendix if our food can now be digested easily?
3. Wisdom Teeth
These are teeth that we surely don’t need. All we have now is just pain for the “wisdom teeth” – maybe they served a good purpose in olden times when we were still cave men. Now, the dentist doesn’t think so.
4. Erector Pili
The Erector Pili is the mechanism that creates goose bumps when we are scared. I think it serves no purpose if its only use is to show everyone that you are scared!
5. Coccyx
The coccyx, commonly referred to as the tailbone, is the final segment of the vertebral column in humans and apes, and certain other mammals such as horses. In animals with bony tails, it is known as tailhead or dock, in bird anatomy as tailfan. It comprises three to five separate or fused coccygeal vertebrae below the sacrum, attached to the sacrum by a fibrocartilaginous joint, the sacrococcygeal symphysis, which permits limited movement between the sacrum and the coccyx.
6. Tonsils
Very few people go beyond 30 years of age with tonsils in them. So prone to infection, and consequent swelling, many people have had operations to remove these otherwise useless organs, and they live on. So why have them in the first place.
7. Adenoids
Although they are useful in “trapping” bacteria, adenoids are shed off together with tonsils. Otherwise, they just disappear unnoticed as we grow up.
8. Sinuses
Apart from theories that they affect our sight or the tone of voices, sinuses are organs that we can do away with, especially when they give the doctor so much trouble to figure out stuff.
9. Body Hair
What is body hair for if man has over time developed “air conditioning system” in sweating? Just as well that we are less hairy than some ages ago!
Hair on our head can insulate heat, eyebrows keep sweat out of our eyes, and male facial hair could play a role in sexual attraction, but what do we need body hair for?
10. Plica Semilunaris
Fragments of a third eyelid known as the plica semilunaris can be found next to the tear duct. Although it is not needed for survival or vision, it does serve a purpose. During eye movement, the plica semilunaris ensures tear drainage and sweeps debris away from the eye.
Top 10 Unnecessary Organs In Human Body
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