Remember Ta Ra Rum Pum a 2007 Bollywood family drama film that stars Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji in the lead roles. In This movie there was a cute little girl Angelina Idnani as Priya Singh “Princess”. Angelina Idnani who played the character of daughter of Rani Mukerji and Saif Ali Khan.
Angelina Idnani was finalizes for the role of princess, She was selected out of 500 girls. She did a nice acting in the movie but Angelina was not seen in any other film after “Ta Ra Rum Pum”.. There was a little boy along with Angelina Idnani in the movie named Ali Haji. He underwent 3 auditions for the role of Saif and Rani’s son.
Lets Check Some of the pics of Angelina :
Remember This Pretty Girl From Ta Ra Rum Pum? This Is How She Looks Like Now
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