10 Features That Users Expecting From iOS 10

This is a look at 10 things you need to know about the iOS 10 update that we expect from Apple later this year. We’ll fill you in on when we will likely see the new iOS 10 features, what iPhones and iPads will likely get iOS 10 and other important details that iPhone owners need to consider.

WWDC 2016 starts on June 13th with a keynote at 10 AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern. Apple normally uses this stage to show off the new version of iOS, in this case iOS 10, and the new version of OS X — which may become MacOS.

iOS 10’s latest features will not only come pre-loaded on the iPhone 7, but will be compatible with some existing iPhones like the iPhone 5, 6, 6s and other tablets and iPod Touch devices.

Here are ten features the new release needs to stay ahead of Android.

1. A way to hide/remove stock appsios-hide_stock_apps

Most of the users don’t use Safari or Mail or Weather or Stocks, and hence trying to force them is just plain annoying. Stop interrupting their workflow and allow them to use iOS the way user want to use it.

Must Read : How to hide app icon on iOS ?

2. Improved stock appsweather-app

While on the subject of stock apps, one of the reasons users don’t use apps such as Weather and Stocks and such is that they’re just not that good. And that’s putting it mildly. They feel like demo apps that someone threw together years ago, and lack the function or polish that you’d expect from a modern app.

3. Block websites from auto-opening the App Store appauto-opening the App Store app

This is really annoying behavior that some mobile sites are doing in order to try to pull in affiliate sales revenue. Apple should offer a way to prevent the App Store from being triggered, either globally by websites, or on a website-by-website basis.

4. Customizable Home screenHome screen iOS

Why can’t users place the icons where I want them for more efficient grouping? Why can’t users add widgets? Why can’t users rename stuff? Why does the Home screen not feel like my Home screen?

5. Customizable Control CenterControl Center customization on iOS

The Control Center is a pretty useful panel – it gives users access to Airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb, plus quick access to brightness and music controls, and easy access to the calculator or camera. But users would like apps to be able to add buttons to this (much like apps can add complications to the Apple Watch display) to make it more useful to them.

6. Improved Messages app


The stock iOS iMessages app is pretty dumb when you compare it to apps such as Cola. Having the ability to schedule events, take polls, and compile notes and to-do lists seems like a no-brainer.

Must Read : How to Lock iPhone Notes with Touch ID or a Password in the iOS ?

7. Better SiriiOS-Siri

Apple’s owned Siri for years, and yet Siri is still very lacking compared to voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or Google Now. Not only could voice recognition be seriously improved, but there’s also a lot of room for new functionality – both built-in and through allowing third-party apps to access the service.

8. Better App control

How many apps do you have on your iPhone or iPad that have been abandoned by the developer? How many haven’t seen an update in over a year? It would be nice to know so that we could plan our migration from the abandoned app to one that’s still being updated.

9. HomeKit consolidation

Right now, home automation is scattered through iOS. Apps are all over the place, and some things can be controlled using Siri, while other stuff can’t. It’s a mess. Bringing it all together under a single Home app – much like the Heath app has done for fitness and health apps and data – would make it much easier to use.

10. Multiuser supportMultiuser support iOS

Allowing multiple users to sign into an iPad and have different Home screens and customized apps would seriously extend the functionality of the device (and it might help boost hardware sales). Sure, this would eat into the storage – especially for lower-capacity devices (Apple could use this to upsell higher capacity iPads) – but it would be a very useful feature, and might give the iPad a much-needed new lease of life.

Bonus : Bug fixes

There are still a number of annoying bugs in iOS 9 – I’m seeing a lot of orientation and cache-related bugs regularly – so there’s plenty for Apple to tackle (but a new version of iOS is likely to mean new bugs too, so it’s swings and roundabouts).

10 Features That Users Expecting From iOS 10
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