Game of Thrones season 6 kicks off this Sunday, and if you saw our recent season 5, you should have a pretty good idea of where the stories left off. Now it’s time to make some predictions, and round up some of the best fan theories for season 6.
- Lady Stoneheart will make her return
If you’ve read the Game of Thrones books you’ve likely been waiting a while for the arrival of Lady Stoneheart, and we think season 6 is where she finally will make her appearance. Who is she? Well, after Catelyn Stark’s death at the hands of the Freys during the Red Wedding, she is resurrected by Beric Dondarrion.If you’re not familiar with Beric, he’s the leader of an outlaw group called the Brotherhood without Banners. Beric himself has been killed and resurrected before, thanks to a red priest, Thoros of Myr.In the books, Beric gives up his life for Catelyn’s and she’s resurrected as Lady Stoneheart, but the resurrection carries some complications. The reanimated Catelyn’s wounds aren’t healed fully, so her slit throat means she can’t talk, and in the process she loses some of herself: she’s consumed with rage and hellbent on revenge.Lady Stoneheart becomes the new leader of the Brotherhood without Banners and proves to be a total badass. We really want to see her again.
- Cleganebowl
Next up is one of our favourite fan theories, Cleganebowl. If it ever happens, it will likely be in season 6. The theory supposes that the Clegane brothers: Sandor “The Hound” and Gregor “The Mountain” will end up fighting each other in an epic showdown to decide the fate of Cersei Lannister.How? First, some backstory; The Hound’s face was scarred because, when the brothers were young, The Mountain pushed The Hound’s face into a fire. Ever since then The Hound has carried a phobia of fire, and has hated his brother for it.The last we saw of Gregor was when he was poisoned during his fight with Oberyn Martell. The creepy Maester Qyburn promised to keep him alive, but said that the process may change him a bit. All we see of him is writhe under a sheet while being experimented on. At the end of season 5, we are introduced to the newest member of the Kingsguard, who is likely the reanimated Gregor.At the end of season 4, The Hound was seemingly left for dead by Arya. Fans of the books have come up with the Gravedigger theory, which claims The Hound is rescued by a reputed healer known as the Elder Brother.Brienne of Tarth hears about The Hound’s survival when meeting the Elder Brother in a place called the Quiet Isle. Brienne finds The Hound’s horse, which is famous for being essentially un-tamable, and then finds a man with a similar body and wounds to The Hound, who is digging graves. The theory is that The Hound is now part of the Faith as Sandor Clegane, having left his persona behind.Later in the books, when Cersei gets arrested by the Sparrows, she chooses trial by combat. Her representative will be the The Mountain, and so the theory goes, the Faith’s representative will be the newly pious Sandor. - We find out who Jon Snow’s mother is
Episode 5 “Kill The Boy” This is based on one of the biggest and most researched fan theories out there: Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon.
The full length trailer for season 6 seems to show a guy who looks a lot like Ned Stark (wearing a Targaryen crest and carrying the Stark shield). Obviously, considering Ned is super dead, this could easily be a flashback scene. Could this be the Tower of Joy? Could R+L=J finally be confirmed?
- Jamie will kill Cersei
Cast your mind back to season 5, where we saw a young Cersei and a friend visit Maggy the Frog, who tells her fortune. In the books, it’s made clear by Maester Qyburn that Maggy the Frog is actually Maggy the Maegi, a powerful maegi who uses dark bloodmagic in order to see into the future.Maggy’s fortune wasn’t so fair for Cersei. It starts off good; She’ll marry the king, become queen, and have three beautiful children. That all happens. But she’s also told a younger, more beautiful woman will come to cast her down and take everything she holds dear. Basically, Margaery, or it could be Daenerys, or even Sansa.“Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds,” she said, meaning that all three of her children will die. Two of them are already dead, with Tommen the only remaining child left.Then it gets even worse for Cersei: Maggy says: “And when your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”Valonqar is high Valyrian for “little brother.” The obvious answer is it means Tyrion, which explains why Cersei is awful to him. But, she’s overlooking another little brother. Her lover and father of her children, Jaime. - Jon Snow is not dead
Jon Snow has got to be alive. And we’re not just saying that because we’re not ready to say goodbye to him and his beautiful floppy hair. There’s a bunch of theories as to how he could survive.Some fans think that Jon warged (possessing another lifeform) out into the body of his direwolf Ghost. It’s been shown before that many of the Starks have been able to warg into other animals. Arya has done it before, as has Bran on several occasions. The theory is Jon can too. This process is easier if there’s a strong bond between the animal and the human, so it could be possible. In the books, Jon Snow has recurring dreams where he wargs into the body of his direwolf.But another theory states that Melisandre brings him back. We know followers of the Lord of Light can do that, the red priest Thoros of Myr, who brought Beric Dondarrion back to life, being one such example. Melisandre thought that Stannis was the Chosen One, a reincarnated legendary warrior of light called Azor Ahai. Given that Stannis ended up being a bust, maybe Jon Snow is her new hope.In A Dance With Dragons, she says this insightful line: “I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R’hllor shows me only snow.” - The Starks Reunite
Because if Arya manages to get herself back to Westeros by the end of the season, that means she’s primed to join what many hope will be a massive Stark family reunion. The Starks have been mostly scattered since Season 1, with a few near misses (Jon and Bran at Craster’s Keep, Arya and Sansa at the Eyrie) to keep hope of their eventual reunion alive. But things are looking very good for some Stark reunions this year, with Sansa heading north from Winterfell with the knowledge that her brothers Bran and Rickon are alive and (mostly) well.Rickon and the wildling Osha were headed to Last Hearth, the House Umber home that’s conveniently smack in the middle between Sansa and the Wall. If Sansa manages to run into Brienne in those snowy woods around Winterfell, she might find out that her sister, Arya, is also alive. With Sansa taking a leadership position in the House Stark cause (you saw that direwolf on her new dress, right?), a clear goal will probably be to re-unite her family.Bran is also likely headed Sansa’s way. It appears the Night’s King and his icy cohorts will attack the cave where Bran, Hodor, Meera, Jojen, and the Three-Eyed Raven [Max von Sydow] have been chilling for a season. Things look bad for the Three-Eyed Raven (Von Sydow may be making a habit of dying to protect franchise heroes), but very hopeful for the Starks to all converge near either Winterfell or the Wall. So audiences will probably see a couple of Starks embrace for the first time since Rickon left Bran in Season 3. - The Battle Of The Bastards
Season 6 trailers have revealed that there will be a huge battle—probably around Episode 9 as per tradition—between the Boltons, the Wildlings, and some various Northern houses. According to the trailers, Ser Davos, Sansa, Tormund, Wun Wun the giant, Ramsay Bolton, and probably Jon Snow are all there to do battle for Winterfell. (Michael McElhatton, a.k.a. Roose Bolton, said as much in a recent interview.) Producer Bryan Cogman has said that the new season will feature the biggest battle Game of Thrones has ever attempted, and given the battle for Castle Black and Blackwater, that’s saying a lot. The Battle of the Bastards (so nicknamed by fans because it’s Ramsay vs. Jon) is sure to be a show-stopper with plenty of significant deaths to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Predictions
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