Samsung has launched two phones of the A series – Samsung Galaxy A7 and Samsung Galaxy A5 – at its forum being held in Kuala Lumpur. The phones will be priced at Rs 33,400 and Rs 29,400 respectively. Both phones have a metal and glass material aiming at a premium design.
Samsung Galaxy A7 :
Samsung Galaxy A7 has a 5.5 inch full HD AMOLED display. It runs on Snapdragon 615 SoC and a 3 GB RAM. The phone has 16 GB internal memory with an option to expand up to 128 GB via SD Card. Galaxy A7 has a 13 MP Camera with a f/1.7 aperture and OIS, the front camera is of 5 MP. Galaxy A7 has a battery capacity of 3300 mAh.
Samsung Galaxy A5 :
On the other hand, Galaxy A5 has a 5.2 inch full HD AMOLED display and the battery capacity of 2900 mAh. Other specifications are same as Galaxy A7. Both the phones would be available in Gold, White and Black starting February 15, 2016.
“We are committed to continuous innovation based on our experience with the consumers. Galaxy A series will continue its legacy by delivering the best design with flagship features in the form of Galaxy A7 and Galaxy A5,” Samsung’s Mobile business head, Manu Sharma, said at the event.
The company launched the Galaxy A series phones back in 2014 with A5 and A3. They wanted to make mid-range phones with premium materials like aluminium as Samsung had been criticised for making their phones too ‘Plasticky’. Initially, When Galaxy A series phones were launched in 2014 they ran on Snapdragon 410 processors, this year the processors have been bumped up to Snapdragon 610. In addition to that, the fingerprint reader is mounted on the home button.
Samsung recently regained the top spot in Indian smartphone market after losing out to Micromax last year. They had a market share of 23% phone shipments as compared to 18% of Micromax. The Korean smartphone company sold almost 7 million devices in the last quarter in India.
Samsung Galaxy A7 And A5 Launched In India, Priced at Rs 33,400 and Rs 29,400
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