Lenovo Vibe X3, the new premium smartphone from the Chinese company, has been launched in India for Rs 19,999. Lenovo Vibe X3 will go on sale Thursday, January 28, 2016 on Amazon India at 2pm but there will be no flash sale for this phone.
Specifications :
Theatre Max support
Like the Lenovo K4 Note, the Vibe X3 also supports VR Threatre Max, which is not really about virtual reality. The headset will be sold separately for Rs 1299. Users can get a 100-degree, theatre-style big screen experience via the VR headset from their Lenovo Vibe X3 smartphone.
Best Sound
Lenovo says the Vibe X3 offers one of the best sound experiences on a smartphone in the industry. Lenovo has also partnered with Skull Candy to introduce special headphones.
Sale is on Amazon Thursday, January 28, 2016
Lenovo Vibe X3 will go on sale Thursday, January 28, 2016 on Amazon India. There is no flash sale for this smartphone. The price is Rs 19,999.
Other Specifications :
Lenovo Vibe X3 features a 5.5-inch full HD IPS display, and is powered by 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 processor coupled with 3GB RAM. The smartphone comes with 32GB storage space.
On the camera front, Lenovo Vibe X3 has a 21 megapixel rear camera and an eight megapixel front camera with the ability to record 4K videos.
One of the unique features of the phone will be Lenovo Sound, which offers HD Audio with Dolby Atmos on the dual front speakers, as well as on the headphones. Lenovo claims it has used the best DACs in the phone to offer lossless playback.
In terms of UI, the Lenovo Vibe X3 runs the company’s Vibe UI based on Android 5.1 Lollipop, although this has been tweaked to look closer to stock Android. Lenovo had indicated at CES 2016, that it will try and bring in some features of stock Android to its smartphones as well, borrowing from the Motorola brand, which is also owned by the company.
The Lenovo Vibe X3 is 4G LTE and could be priced around Rs 25,000. We’ll have to wait for the launch to confirm the pricing. Interestingly Lenovo’s popular budget smartphone K4 Note will also go on sale Wednesday, January 27, 2016 on Amazon India.
Lenovo Vibe X3 launched in India at Rs 19,999
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