How to hide app icon on iOS 9

Hiding apps on iOS is a time honored tradition and the process always goes the same. Apple doesn’t let you delete default apps, an intrepid tinkerer finds a glitch around it. Apple patches said glitch in the next update. iOS 9-9.2 is no different.

YouTuber videosdebarraquito shows off how to do it. As usual, the process is a little convoluted:

  1. Create a folder with all the apps you want to hide away.

  2. While the apps are still jiggling, drag the icon one page at a time until you get to a blank page then let go.

  3. Attempt to drag the icon one more page over from the blank page, then tap the home button.

That’s it, you should see the app icon fly off the screen. As is usually the case with these tricks, your icons will reappear on reboot, but all told, it’s a pretty easy way to hide icons away. You’ll still be able to find them through Spotlight too, so it could be useful just to hide away any icons you don’t want others coming across.

How to hide app icon on iOS 9
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