Hike messenger has announced a new update which brings support for native Indian languages like Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu. The updated app with support for these languages will be available from December 23,2015.
The update is now live for Android phones and bring slew of new features:
1. Multi-lingual interface : Hike messenger will allow users to select language of their app as soon as they open the app for the first time. The full app then scales to native language.
2. Multi-lingual keyboard : The app keyboard now supports up to 9 languages and supports glide functionality which allows to swap between different keyboards. The keyboard also supports predictive text technology.
3. Native stickers : Hike has also added support for stickers in native languages giving a new look at expressing oneself on social platform.
“Today, we’re excited to launch hike in 8 local languages. For the first time ever millions of Indians will be able to seamlessly chat in their local languages only on hike,” said Kavin Mittal, CEO and Founder, Hike Messenger.
Hike currently has more than 70 million active users and had recently announced hike direct feature allowing users to share and chat with internet.
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