The much-awaited affordable smartwatch solution from Huawei has finally arrived in India. The Huawei Honor Band Z1 has gone on sale at online retailer Flipkart for Rs 5,499. The smartwatch that delivers a 3 day battery life and works with iOS and Android, goes on sale in cream and black and Flipkart will ship them to you right away.
Indeed, we did expect Xiaomi to pull off something like this at its recent launch event in China. Still then, Huawei has plenty to show off with its Honor Band Z1 and it has definitely arrived early to the affordable smartwatch party.
So what do you get with a Huawei Honor Band Z1? Well the answer is, a water-down version of a smartwatch, but one that is capable fitness tracker as well.
Indeed, Huawei’s affordable smartwatch will have plenty of competition coming from fitness trackers like Fitbit and less from the Android Wear team. This is because it delivers less of what you would expect from a smartwatch and in this case, it is limited to just calls and sms notifications. The rest of the smartwatch features are to do with fitness tracking. The Huwaei Honor Band Z1 when combined with the MyFitnessPal app will allow users to track everything from step and calorie counting down to sleep monitoring.
More importantly, it is IP68 dust and water proof. Meaning that you will be able wear it anywhere and all day thanks to its 14 day standby time.
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